#MeToo: #NowWhat?0 Comments/January 7, 2020As a human being, I’m in favor of social changes that make…
Projective Identification: The Psychological Seesaw0 Comments/November 5, 2019Have you ever argued with a loved one who accused you of exhibiting…
Lean In: Acceptance Is the Path of Least Resistance0 Comments/October 2, 2019Imagine that you’re swimming in the ocean. You’re quite a…
Acceptance: Why is it Difficult?0 Comments/January 28, 2019As the saying goes, “what we resist persists.” Acceptance…
There’s No Place Like Home0 Comments/November 12, 2018The only thing constant is change. There is no state of mind…
Unable To Find Calm In Everyday Frustrations0 Comments/August 21, 2018As a Psychoanalyst, it is my experience that people have trouble…
Got Anxiety? Psychoanalysis Can Help.0 Comments/May 31, 2018We all experience anxiety from time to time. Think of the…
FAUX: 4 WAYS TO GET YOUR REAL ON0 Comments/March 26, 2018Many people spend their lives without an internal compass, feeling…
Embracing a Ruminating Night’s Sleep: Why You Shouldn’t Panic & Instead Enjoy the Ride0 Comments/February 28, 2018When you lie awake, in the middle of the night, it is likely…
How To Choose The Right Help For You0 Comments/December 5, 2017I am often asked about the differences between mental health…
Three Ways to Avoid the Vacation Illusion0 Comments/August 12, 2017As the old saying goes “wherever you are there you are." On…
Fathers - "The New Normal"0 Comments/June 15, 2017In the forties and fifties, it was commonplace for a father to…
Do Not Be Fooled...0 Comments/March 30, 2017So many therapies, so little time. “Do not be fooled” by…
Everything you think is wrong day...0 Comments/March 14, 2017LISA SCHLESINGER, LCSW-C Why do some days feel inevitably…
The Skeptic, The Romantic, The Dreamer or The Negator0 Comments/February 13, 2017LISA SCHLESINGER, LCSW-C What if Valentine's Day had more…
We Are All Narcissists: Where Do YOU Fall On The Spectrum?0 Comments/August 16, 2016Find out how narcissistic YOU REALLY ARE. Most people are…
Thankless Thanksgiving: Why Being Ungrateful Is Important0 Comments/November 19, 2015Every year in November, we are supposed to think of all the things…
#MeToo: #NowWhat?
Projective Identification: The Psychological Seesaw
Lean In: Acceptance Is the Path of Least Resistance
Acceptance: Why is it Difficult?
There’s No Place Like Home
Unable To Find Calm In Everyday Frustrations
Got Anxiety? Psychoanalysis Can Help.
Embracing a Ruminating Night’s Sleep: Why You Shouldn’t Panic & Instead Enjoy the Ride
How To Choose The Right Help For You
Three Ways to Avoid the Vacation Illusion
Fathers - "The New Normal"
Do Not Be Fooled...
Everything you think is wrong day...
The Skeptic, The Romantic, The Dreamer or The Negator
We Are All Narcissists: Where Do YOU Fall On The Spectrum?
Thankless Thanksgiving: Why Being Ungrateful Is Important